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DCB is currently closed to direct submissions from authors. Please check back in Summer 2025 for updates.


Please note that we only publish Canadian authors.


Authors are asked to please send complete manuscripts rather than sample chapters.


Submissions should include a brief synopsis (no more than 200 words), an author bio, and full contact information (address, phone number, and email address). The manuscript should be double-spaced and one-sided. Please indicate the word count of your manuscript.


Electronic submissions should be in Word format (DOC or DOCX, not PDF).


We encourage submissions from all Canadian writers, including Indigenous writers, writers of colour, writers from the LGBTQ2S+ community, writers with disabilities, and writers who identify with other marginalized groups.

If you require an accommodation to submit your manuscript, please contact us at


To submit by email:


Authors who submit by email should include their manuscript as an attachment to the email and note that, due to the volume of emails received at this address, we cannot guarantee we will be able to respond to every submission.


Illustrators are asked to email links to their portfolio or website. For illustrators who work in a variety of styles, we ask that your links direct us to work suitable for covers or for children’s picture books.


PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to accept manuscript submissions via mail. Please only submit your manuscripts via EMAIL.

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